Distribution Days
Distribution Day is when families can pick up the products they registered for.
Please note that registration for distribution day is limited to 150 registrants for diapers

Due to the increasing number of community members attending distribution day, below are some very important reminders/updates. Please take the time to read them.
1. GUGP is ran by humans, which means mistakes happen. (wrong sizes, missed boxes, etc) Please address those mistakes with kindness and grace. We will do our best to fix the mistake in a timely manner. We are doing our very best to ensure our community has the products they need, but we are all volunteers, and we are all human.
2. We will no longer be able to distribute products to you if you have not registered. Registration is extremely important to ensure we have products for all of our clients.
3. Registration for distribution day opens the SECOND SATURDAY of the previous month and will close the FOURTH SATURDAY of the previous month if we do not meet our max number for registration. Please note that if we meet our max number for registration, the form will close early. This is to ensure our volunteers have time to get products ready.
4. We will no longer be able to re-open registration. Once registration is closed for the month, you will have to wait until registration opens for the next distribution day.
5. Products are only available the day of distribution from 10 am – 11am.
6. Registration links can be found our website under the Distribution Day tab.
7. When you have completed registration you will get an automatic reply from graceupongraceproject@gmail.com. Please check your junk mail as this email contains information about distribution day and is a confirmation that your registration was received.
We are so thankful for the opportunity to support our community and to connect with each and every one of you. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out.